Covenant Presbyterian Church
1830 Celanese Road
Rock Hill SC
The Plentiful Harvest Kitchen will reopen for dinning in service on Sunday August 1st
Welcome Back
All of the virtual services on Sundays will continue to be carried on Facebook Live and YouTube. God expects you to be a good steward of your body, if you are ill, or if you are anxious for your health in anyway, you should not attend. Stay at home and join us virtually.
Now available Sermon By Phone
Call 1-800-205-0682 to hear our latest sermon

During this time please use the Donate button to continue your support
Pastor John is leading a study on the Psalms on Thursday mornings at 9:00 with the residents at Brookdale on Ebenezer Road
A Daily Devotion
Please enjoy prerecorded services on
Covenant Presbyterian Church Rock Hill
Jesus said, "Follow Me" - John 21:9
Our Mission is to proclaim the good news of God's Love in Jesus Christ; to build a fellowship of Christian love and forgiveness; to provide opportunities for spiritual growth; and serve our neighbors as followers of the servant of Christ. We encourage you to participate in His worship and work.
Contact Us:
1830 Celanese Road
(Corner of Celanese and Mt. Gallant)
Rock Hill, South Carolina 29732
John Nowaczewski, Pastor
Help Those In Need
“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.”
[Proverbs 19:17]