Covenant Presbyterian Church
1830 Celanese Road
Rock Hill SC
Opening The Church on Easter Sunday
On Palm Sunday the session passed a motion to re-open the church to in-person worship starting with Easter Sunday, April 4th.
All of the virtual services on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays will continue to be carried on Facebook Live and YouTube. God expects you to be a good steward of your body, if you are ill, or if you are anxious for your health in anyway, you should not attend. Stay at home and join us virtually.
There are a limited number of places that we can use and still be social distanced. If we use all the spaces in the sanctuary you will be offered a seat to watch the service on the screen in the Fellowship Hall.
If you are considering coming to the church for in-person worship, it is incumbent upon you to follow the safety precautions.
Please call the church office by Thursday to make a reservation. You will need to call the office each week to reserve place(s) for that week’s service.
If you are ill in any way, please do not come to church. Relax at home and view the services on Facebook or YouTube.
You will be required to wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth for the whole time that you are in the church buildings, even if you have had all your vaccinations. This is for your protection as well as the protection of those around you.
Sealed communion packets are available in the narthex, please pick one up as you enter. The communion wafer is under the first seal and the juice under the second seal.
Hand sanitizer is available as you enter the sanctuary on the pedestal to your left.
Ushers will greet you and show you to your seats.
Please do not congregate in the aisles. If you wish to greet other folk, please wait until the service has ended and then congregate using social distancing outside.
All of the music and hymns has been prerecorded, we will not be allowed to sing along.
Please keep your anti-social distance and refrain from hugging. Virtual embracing only!
The safety protocols help protect all of us and with so many variants flitting about we still have to be very careful. Please follow the instructions of the ushers and we will get through this safely.
Please join Pastor John on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 11:00 for Mediations with God live on Facebook.
A loving congregation responding in a challenging time
During the current COVID-19 outbreak, members and friends of Covenant are donating individually wrapped items and fruit to make snack Blessing Bags. Special thanks to Sawyer's Produce for assisting us in providing fruit. These bags are being delivered to essential workers including medical, pharmacies, public works, etc.
Currently over 450+ bags have been delivered to:
PMC nurses
York County Dept. of Public Safety (911)
CVS Heckle Blvd.
Novant Rock Hill Family Medicine
Rock Hill PD
York County Sheriff Dept.
Rock Hill Fire Dept. Station #3 and #5
EMS Main
Newport Fire Dept. and EMS Station #14
York City Fire Dept.
York City PD
York County Convenience Centers
Walgreens Celanese Rd
North Central Family Medical Center